Body Contouring

Sculpt and refine your silhouette with precision and care at Naturally Rae. Whether you're targeting stubborn areas or seeking overall enhancement, our skilled team utilizes advanced techniques to help you achieve your desired physique.

Lipo Laser

Laser fat reduction treatments use a diode laser to heat fat cells deep below the skin’s surface. The energy from the laser is absorbed by the fat cells, causing these fat cells to heat up, elevating the temperature within the fat layer. When fat cells are exposed to these higher temperatures, their structural integrity is damaged irreversibly and they die. The destroyed fat and dead fat cells are then naturally metabolized and removed from the area by specialized cells in the body.

  • Treatment Areas: Abdomen, Flanks, Thighs, Back

  • Treatment Time: 30 minutes

  • Number of treatments: Recommend 6 sessions, varies upon goals

Skin Tightening

Venus Bliss Max TM is equipped with an (MP)2 applicator to tighten skin, reduce circumference, and reduce cellulite. The technologies on Venus Bliss provide patients with a comprehensive treatment solution, resulting in a smoother, more contoured looking midsection, buttock, thighs, and arms.

  • Treatment Areas: Abdomen, Flanks, Back, Thighs, Buttox, Arms

  • Treatment time: 30 minutes

  • Number of treatments: Recommend 6 sessions, Varies upon sculpting goals

Muscle Toning

FlexMAX treatments feature handsfree EMS with Adaptive Mode, which can intelligently and dynamically target 7 different muscle groups at optimized parameters. This performance-informed smart training program was developed based on extensive muscle research to mimic real workouts. It is clinically validated to reach up to 100,000 contractions per session. Flexible intensity settings can be adjusted at any time mid-treatment cycle or during subsequent visits so you can achieve the ultimate results at your own pace.

  • Treatment Areas: Abdomen, Obliques, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Biceps, Triceps

  • Treatment time: 30 minutes

  •  Number of treatments: Varies on toning goals

Snatched Jaw

Define your jawline with our innovative body contouring treatments. Our advanced techniques target stubborn fat deposits and tighten the skin around the jawline, helping you achieve a more defined and youthful appearance. Whether you're looking to reduce double chin, define your jawline, or enhance your overall facial contours, our skilled professionals will customize a treatment plan tailored to your goals. Say goodbye to sagging skin and hello to a sleeker, more sculpted profile!